Rhapsody on the Theme of Paganini

Debbie Wiseman, Negative Harmony and The Prince of Egypt

Debbie Wiseman, Negative Harmony and The Prince of Egypt
Timmy Fisher & Sam Poppleton
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This week Tim talks to Classic FM’s composer-in-residence Debbie Wiseman about her latest project with Stephen Fry, Sam points out the similarities between Rachmaninov and Jacob Collier and the pair review music by Krzysztof Penderecki, Stephen Swartz and Gustavo Díaz-Jerez.

Arts Professional’s Report:

Michael Hann on the connection between musicians and their instruments:

Music Credits:
‘Tim and Sam’s Podcast’, written and performed by Harry Sever
’976 Love’, written and performed by Dan Brown
’Rhapsody on the Theme of Paganini’ by Rachmaninov, performed by Rachmaninov and the Philadelphia Orchestra under Leopold Stokowski
’The Story of Rhea’ from The Mythos Suite, by Debbie Wiseman and Stephen Fry, performed by Stephen Fry and the National Symphony Orchestra under Debbie Wiseman
Krzysztof Penderecki’s Horn Concerto performed by the LPO and Radovan Vlatković under Michał Dworzyński
Ymarxa (Tenerife) from Gustavo Díaz-Jerez’s Maghek, performed by the Royal Scottish NO under Eduardo Portal
Jean Sibelius’s Fifth Symphony, arranged and performed by Timmy Fisher
Handel’s ‘Eternal source of light divine’, performed by Antonia Dunjko, Edmund Andler-Borić and Igor Mrnjavčić

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